
The Toll of Emotional Labor

4 minute read

I’ve been doing “emotion work” most of my adult life; a lot of it in assisting the (very) differently abled. Now, with my transition out from direct emotion ...

Gatecrashing the NLP party

3 minute read

OK, so I didn’t really crash any gates. I did, however, have the chance to attend a workshop on natural language processing, hosted by the Interacting Minds ...

Finding a Professional Identity

2 minute read

Some months ago, I wrote about “developing my sociological identity”. My interests are (still) solidly interactional, with maybe a slight focus on how indivi...

Why academia?

3 minute read

So. Why not start a master’s degree in educational sociology, six and-a-bit years after finishing a bachelor? Six years as a working stiff, with varied and, ...